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Mountain Image by Rich Martello

Welcome Prospective Foster Parents of Colorado!

Thank you for considering Envoi Associates for this journey. Our goal is to support you, your family, and the future children and youth placed in your home so that we can positively impact placement stability, increase your knowledge and skillset as a foster parent and as an important part of the treatment and therapeutic team, and improve outcomes for children and youth in care in Colorado.

Colorado flag in heart shape

Reasons  to Become a Treatment or Therapeutic Foster Parent

Help Children and Youth Heal: Support children and youth in overcoming challenges and traumas by providing a nurturing environment.


Make a Difference: Positively impact a child or youth's life by offering stability, love, advocacy, and guidance.


Supportive Community: Join a network of professionals and other specialized foster parents dedicated to helping children thrive.


Learn and Grow: Gain valuable experience and skills in caring for children and youth with diverse needs.


Foster Positive Change: Contribute to the well-being of children and families by offering a safe and supportive home.

Personal Fulfillment: Experience the joy and satisfaction of seeing children/youth grow, develop, and flourish under your care.


Be a Role Model: Serve as a positive influence and mentor for children and youth in need of guidance and support.


Give Back: Give back to your community by providing a loving and stable home for children and youth who need it most.


Make a Lifelong Impact: Make a difference in a child or youth's life that can last a lifetime, providing them with a foundation for future success and happiness.

About the Process

Graphic of person visualizing steps in a process

Envoi Associates welcomes you to help support children and youth in foster care; while this role as a caregiver may feel like “being called out from the land of cozy and safe”, your engagement in this process and in providing a trusting and safe environment for Colorado’s children/youth is important work and we value you. Here you will be provided with a glimpse into how we work together to certify your home as a foster care home, as well as some of the important documents that will be needed to pursue certification.

The certification and training process will take several months. We rely heavily on timely cooperation, collaboration, and honesty to support you in gaining your certification in the most thorough and efficient manner possible. To support prospective foster parents, we partner you with a Outreach & Licensing Specialist to be your point of contact throughout the process. 

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