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Tennessee Image by Garrett Sawyers

Welcome Prospective Family Model Providers
of Tennessee!

We sincerely appreciate your consideration of Envoi Associates for this meaningful journey. Our primary objective is to provide unwavering support to you, your family, and the prospective children and youth who may become a part of your home. Through our partnership, we aim to enhance placement stability, expand your foster parenting expertise, integrate you as an integral member of the treatment and therapeutic team, and ultimately contribute to improved outcomes for children and youth in Tennessee's foster care system.

About the Process

graphic of male visualizing steps in a process

Envoi Associates extends a warm welcome to those interested in supporting children and youth in foster care. While stepping into the role of a caregiver may seem like a departure from your comfort zone, your involvement in creating a secure and nurturing environment for Tennessee's children and youth is incredibly meaningful to us. Here, we offer insights into the collaborative process of certifying your home as a foster care haven, along with an overview of the essential documents required for certification.

Certification and training are comprehensive processes that span several months. Timely cooperation, collaboration, and transparent communication are crucial elements that enable us to assist you in obtaining your certification as efficiently and comprehensively as possible. To ensure prospective foster parents have dedicated guidance, we pair you with a Foster Home Acquisition Specialist who will serve as your primary point of contact throughout this journey.

Image by Unseen Studio
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